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Mindset: The New Psychology of Success Summary and Quotes

Carol S. Dweck

1.6 minutes to read • Updated May 22, 2024

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What it's about in one sentence:

A book from a world-renowned psychologist to help you discover the power of your mindset and transform your life.

Bullet Point Outline and Summary

  1. Our mindset shapes our ability to learn and grow. People with a fixed mindset think our talents are innate and immutable, while those with a growth mindset believe they can develop skills through effort. Growth mindset individuals embrace change and actively engage in life, while fixed mindset individuals hinder their progress through self-imposed limitations.
  2. Those with a fixed mindset assume that shortcomings indicate a natural lack of talent, thus they evaluate and label others as "good" or "bad".
    1. They limit themselves to activities they deem naturally gifted in, disregarding the potential of practice.
    2. Constantly seeking approval, they fear being labeled as incompetent and strive to prove their talent at every opportunity.
    3. Their self-worth is tied to their perceived abilities, leading to a need for external validation and an obsession with their self-image.
    4. They see failures as catastrophic and confirmations of permanent incompetence.
    5. They shy away from difficult situations as they perceive them as risky and fear potential failure.
    6. They tend to stick to what they already know.
  3. Individuals with a growth mindset welcome challenges and failures as they see them as opportunities for improvement.
    1. They seek to learn from experts, constantly reassess their strategies, and strive to overcome weaknesses.
    2. They encourage personal growth in relationships, prioritize teamwork in sports, and value open communication and feedback in business.
    3. Children with a growth mindset believe that their intelligence can expand with hard work and perseverance.
    4. A growth mindset leads to increased motivation, resilience, and academic success.
    5. Basketball legend Michael Jordan experienced periods of poor performance, but because he embraced a growth mindset, rather than blaming others or external factors, he analyzed his mistakes, practiced relentlessly, and sought advice from others.
  4. We are born with a growth mindset, but it's influenced by the role models during our childhood.
  5. Parents significantly shape their children's mindset. Parents with a growth mindset encourage and support their children's learning, while those with a fixed mindset often judge and label their children.
  6. Teachers play a crucial role in shaping children's mindset. Some believe a student's academic performance is permanent, leading the students to adopt a fixed mindset. Effective teachers who believe in their students' capacity to learn approach education differently, fostering a growth mindset in their students and enabling them to achieve better grades and overcome self-perceptions of inadequacy.
  7. Our brain is a muscle and thus we can train it to adapt to a growth mindset.
    1. When you make a mistake, avoid saying things like "I'm so stupid/incompetent," instead say, "Failures happen. I will learn from it and do better next time."
  8. It might be difficult to have a growth mindset for every scenario, but by adopting a growth perspective in specific key areas (e.g., work, relationships), significant progress to personal fulfillment and improvement in all areas of life can still be achieved.

Mindset: Resources